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WiFi, one of the basic thing available on almost every household having internet connection. Although, WiFi gives the flexibility of wireless connectivity, but it could also be frustrating if the WiFi signal at your home or workplace is weak. Now how to solve weak WiFi signal issues? Well, here is a guide on how to fix weak WiFi signal by trying below given recommendations.
There could be several reasons why your WiFi signal is slow and weak. Follow one or all of the below given steps and see if it boosts your WiFi signal.
1. Keep your Router Up to date
The first thing you should do is check for available software update for your current router. Your router manufacturer will keep releasing new updates fixing major and minor bugs in the router. Possibility is that you are using an older version and are experiencing performance issues because of a minor bug. Most of the time updating your router to the latest version will fix the bug, thus resulting in better performance of your WiFi connectivity.
2. Keep your Router in an Open Place
Got not so good neighbors? Trying to limit the router range by burying it deep down in a box or room? Well, try to keep your router in an open room and near to where you live and access WiFi most of the time. With less obstructions you can clearly boost your WiFi signals. What about neighbors? Well, we got a way out, you will find out how later in the post.
3. Get a Latest Router
It’s time to say good-bye to your Grandpa’s favorite router. Even after using one of fastest available internet plans, if you are getting not so good speed from your router then it’s time to say hi to the latest available router in the market. N routers are the latest in the market and with a little search you can find cheap and best router with latest wireless technology for your needs.
4. Restrict the Users on a Single Router
Well, this is a well-known fact that, the more number of users accessing WiFi using a single router the slower the WiFi network becomes. So, it’s always recommend to disconnect your WiFi network on idle devices. Also make sure that no third person apart from your family members are secretly accessing your WiFi network without your notice.
5. Restrict Unauthorized Access of your WiFi Network
Unwanted and unauthorized guests keep looking for open and less secure WiFi network. To make your WiFi network more secure, it is recommended to go with WPA encryption as it is more secure than commonly used WEP. Keep changing your WiFi password in every few week to be on safer side.
6. Boost your WiFi Signal with Range Extender
Now if you don’t seems to have any above mentioned problem and if you want to extend your WiFi network to all the corners of your office or home then WiFi Extenders could do wonders for you. WiFi Extenders helps you in boosting your WiFi signal and extending the WiFi signal to large areas far from your normal routers reach. WiFi extenders are available for as low as $50 and can solve your weak WiFi signal problem.
By following the above mentioned steps you can try to fix the weak and slow WiFi signal issue.
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